Terms & Conditions
Order's Confirmation:
Before shipping we do reconfirm orders by contacting you through WhatsApp. So please leave your WhatsApp cell number while filling subscriptions details on our Automoto.pk
While shopping if you find some item's price Rs.0.00, it is a mistake of typography and the item is not free of cost, so Automoto remain the right cancel such item's order.
Once our Representative contacts you via Email, Phone call or/and WhatsApp and you are not confirming your order, the order will be cancelled within 24 hours and you have to reorder the same items.
We have a 30-day return policy, which means you have 30 days after receiving your item to request a return.
Damages and issues:
Exceptions / non-returnable items:
Automoto makes sure before shipping that item is in fine condition. But If item is damage during shipping process, will be a responsibility of the concerned shipping company.
If we realize that item was packed as broken, will be exchange as priority.
Fitment issues:
Please mention your make, model and variant of your vehicle, so that Automoto makes sure before shipping that item is well fit and same as you need.
In most cases people fit some of our original OEM standard item with some other local vendor's product, might make a bit hard to fit or not to fit. This is not our fault, so please make sure to use concerned sub or main items from some authentic or original and genuine sources compatible with our items.
In most cases we have observed that while mechanic is not eager to fit a quality part to an end user and try to retain by selling or fitting a low quality item. So mostly mechanic is hesitant in fitting our item or fit in a bad manner to make trouble, also because we do not pay any commission on any of our packaging.